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Rape Victims Should Call a Shrink Instead of Police, Says Minnesota Dem AG Keith Ellison

Keith Ellison forced to resign from DNC amid sexual assault allegations
Women who are victims of sexual assault should phone a therapist instead of calling the police on their assailant, according to Minnesota Democrat Attorney General and former vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Keith Ellison.

Keith Ellison, a practicing Muslim who has been accused by two previous girlfriends of physically assaulting them, made the shocking remarks during a Zoom discussion with Rep. Karen Bass (D-CA), one of the prospective Democratic vice-presidential candidates.
“If you’re a woman who’s been a victim of a sexual assault, and the assailant ran away, wouldn’t you rather talk to somebody who is trained in helping you deal with what you’re dealing with, as opposed to somebody whose main training is that they know how to use a firearm? Right?” Ellison told Bass.
Ellison has previously himself been involved in a violent altercation with Amy Louise Alexander, a former girlfriend he was having an affair with.
Another former girlfriend, Karen Monahan, has accused Ellison of giving her “complex PTSD” through repeated physical abuse.
Monahan alleged the abuse took place while Ellison was serving as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
The Federalist reports:
One night I confronted him very calm about a lie he had just told me straight to my face (sic). What happened next was a rage that I had never witnessed to that magnitude. He was becoming a person I had never seen before. The next morning, he came into the room I was sleeping in. I was laying across the bed with my headphones on, listening to podcast on my phone. He said he was about to leave town for the weekend and told me to take the trash out (sic). Given the explosive outrage that occurred the night before, I just should shook my head yes. I didn’t look up at him or saying anything (sic). That is when he tried to drag me off the bed by my legs and feet, screaming ‘b-tch you answer when I am talking to you. I said take out the trash, you’re a bad guest’ (even though we were living in the same place) (sic). He kept trying to drag me off the bed, telling me to get the f-ck out of his house, over and over. I froze. He had to leave and get on the plane. He knocked the shoe off my foot and told me I better be gone when he gets back (which was in two days).”
Because of the explosive nature and timing of the accusations, Minnesota’s Democrat Party was forced to launch an investigation into the allegation. They appointed a local attorney who had links to the state party.
Unsurprisingly, the attorney hired by the Democrat Party found Monahan’s abuse claim unsubstantiated.
Ellison is a member of the hard-left of the Democratic Party, and has openly endorsed Antifa violence and the anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Ellison is also a practicing Muslim himself, having converted to the faith in college.

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