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President Trump Declares Black Lives Matter a ‘Marxist Group’

President Trump declares Black Lives Matter (BLM) are marxist group
President Trump has officially declared the far-left Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization a “Marxist group.”

Speaking during an interview with “Fox & Friends” on Wednesday, POTUS slammed BLM’s far-left, violent, anti-police, anti-capitalist agenda.
The President also pushed back on professional sports players kneeling in submission to the far-left group during the national anthem.
“Black Lives Matter, when did it start?” Trump asked.
“Marching down the street screaming ‘pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.’
“They were talking about policemen and women,” Trump said.
“All of sudden, this is taking on this air of great respectability.”
“Well, how does it start there? It’s a Marxist group.
It’s a Marxist group that is not looking for good things for our country and now I see these leagues all kneeling down.”
Trump then urged Americans to stand for the flag.
“When I see people kneeling during the playing and disrespecting our flag and disrespecting our national anthem, what I do personally is turn off the game and the ratings for basketball are way down,” Trump said.
“I hear some others are way down too, including baseball.
“All of a sudden now baseball is in the act.
“We have to stand up for our flag, we have to stand up for our country, we have to stand up for our anthem and a lot of people agree with me.
“Hey, if I am wrong, then I am going to lose an election and that’s OK with me.
“I am always going to stand for our country and flag,” Trump said.
WATCH: reports: Trump also told “Fox & Friends” he disapproves of the role of Antifa, or so-called “anti-fascist,” activists who have clashed with authorities in Portland and other cities since Floyd’s death in May.
Trump slammed a remark from Rep. Jerry Nadler (R-NY) that Antifa violence was “a myth.”
“This isn’t being naive. This is being untruthful. These are lying people, these are untruthful people,” Trump said.
He added that he believes “you have Democrats funding them. They say [George] Soros and they say other people — who knows.”
Trump did not provide specific information about the claim that Democrats fund Antifa groups. But Soros, the left-wing billionaire investor, said last month that he would distribute $150 million to “black-led justice organizations that helped to create and now sustain the momentum” of recent protests.
Trump added in the Fox News interview about Antifa: “You see them standing there with weapons that are expensive, with signs that were made — literally they have signs, some of their little marches, they have signs that were made in a high-class printing shop. I like the signs that are made in a basement, they mean a lot more.”

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