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Nevada Democrats Ram Through Bill Allowing Party Operatives to Vote for Nursing Home Patients Without Their Signature

Democrat Gov. Steve Sisolak and Nevada Democrats called a special legislative session this past weekend with no public present and rammed through a bill legalizing mail-in voting and ballot harvesting in the battleground state.
Democrats did this in the dead of night during a special legislative session, without any debate or input from Republicans.
The new Democrat law allows people not related to or friends with elderly voters to fill out their ballots for them and turn them in to be counted.
This thing is absolutely ripe for fraud,” former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt told Fox News.
On Monday Laura Ingraham spoke with Adam Laxalt about the new bill pushed through by desperate and lawless Democrats in a nighttime vote over the weekend.
Laxalt reminded Ingraham that ballot harvesting means Democrats can enter nursing homes and fill in ballots for dementia patients — and they can even sign for them.
ADAM LAXALT: You’ve chronicled it. I’ve chronicled it. There is clearly voter fraud all over the country and this is a huge deal. And she’s talking about ballot harvesting which is illegal in Nevada until this new bill was passed.
And your listeners have heard of granny harvesting. Imagine paid Democrats or Republicans being able to go into senior living homes, take advantage of our elders and in this legislation they can even sign for them. So this thing is absolutely ripe for fraud.
Democrats argued allowing non-family members to return ballots will help groups like members of Nevada’s 32 tribes, who face difficulty voting and live far form polling places, and seniors citizens who may need assistance with voting and fear venturing to the polls due to the coronavirus pandemic.
President Donald Trump called for the bill to be met with “immediate litigation”.

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