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Masked Democrats Attack 7-Year-Old Boy Outside DNC Convention For Wearing MAGA Hat

Biden supporters taunted and attacked a 7-year-old boy Thursday night outside of the DNC convention at the Winsonsin Center, Milwaukee.

The young boy, Riley, was attacked for wearing a red MAGA hat. So much for the tolerant left.
Mother, Abbey and her son Riley were attacked by Biden supporters near the DNC convention
Riley can be heard on the video begging his mother to dial 9-1-1 to report the masked Democrats.
Get off my property! Are you going to destroy my property?” a woman said to a Biden supporter.
Yes, we are,” she replied.
One of the Biden supporters then snatched the child’s red MAGA hat and walked away, refusing to give it back to the child.
Riley’s mother refused to back down in the face of the aggressive Democrats and chased them across the car park.
Will Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden condemn this violence against children by his own supporters?
WATCH (language warning):

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