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Conservative Author Michelle Malkin Brutally Assaulted By BLM Thugs Wielding ‘Collapsible Batons’

Conservative author and activist Michelle Malkin was brutally assaulted by thugs wearing Black Lives Matter t-shirts and prevented from speaking as she attempted to make her way to the speaker’s platform at a pro-police rally in downtown Denver on Sunday.

According to Malkin, the “tyrannical, left-wing anarchists” were armed with collapsible batons, sprays, and other weapons.
The 6th Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Day billed was billed as “family friendly” and was advertised on social media including at Malkin’s Twitter, where she has 2.2 million followers.
AmericanThinker reports: Malkin was live streaming the event from her cell phone on Periscope Sunday afternoon as the situation deteriorated after masked thugs wearing Black Lives Matter t-shirts assaulted two speakers and then set upon Malkin.
A diminutive child of immigrants from the Philippines who legally moved to the U.S. in the late 1960s, Malkin, who was born in Philadelphia in 1970, describes herself as a “little brown woman” with a “big mouth.” Malkin linked to the entire 35 minute long Periscope video at her Twitter.
On the video, which had been viewed over 150,000  times by early Monday, several individuals identifying themselves as Black Lives Matter accost Malkin as one or more of them unfurl collapsible batons and begin pushing and beating on Malkin.
In the process, she loses a shoe and is eventually assisted in escaping to a waiting car by the event’s security volunteers, at which point the video feed ends.
Malkin was understandably distraught at this unanticipated violent turn of events and expressed frustration that Denver police, who were visibly present in the area, did nothing to stop the attacks or to allow the peaceful pro-police rally to continue.
At 3:55 PM MDT Sunday, right after being prevented from speaking, Malkin tweeted:
So @jaredpolis [Colorado Democrat Governor] @DenverPolice  [Denver] Chief Pazen, are you ok with pro-police patriots being swarmed, targeted and assaulted in a clearly orchestrated attack??? I caught it all on video and recorded the faces of the brutal animals. Please @realDonaldTrump – we need LAW & ORDER!!! S.O.S!
Screen grab from 31 minutes into Malkin’s Periscope video
Her description: “This was me shouting at masked BLM/Antifa thugs who swarmed our stage UNPROVOKED. This was me after witnessing a veteran & an organizer who had just led group prayer getting beaten on stage while police did nothing. This was me shouting at masked Antifa wielding a baton.”
Hours later, Malkin spent late Sunday night into Monday morning on her Twitter account, issuing a variety of tweets describing what happened as she linked to video clips that documented the events.
Malkin took special aim at a local Denver television news reporter who described the BLM “protesters” as meeting the pro-police rally with “opposing free speech.”
Ken Cuccinelli, the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Deputy Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security (aka Acting Deputy Secretary of DHS), took note of the events in a response to a tweet by Portland, Oregon conservative journalist and documentarian Andy Ngô.
Until recently, violence of this kind to suppress conservative free speech was largely limited to the nation’s leftist-dominated college campuses. Obviously, a new page has now been turned as many of America’s leading cities – all of them under Democrat party control – have abandoned enforcing laws big and small. The expression of free speech is now openly threatened off the campuses. Which one of the Bill of Rights will be next?

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