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America Is a ‘Dangerous Place’ Under Trump: John Kerry

John Kerry says America is a dangerous place under Trump's leadership
Former Secretary of State John Kerry has declared America a “dangerous place” under the leadership of President Trump.

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” the former Obama official slammed Trump’s aggressive stance on Iran.
When asked if Trump might “bumble” us into war with Iran, Kerry responded, “Yes, obviously he could I mean he almost did.” reports: He continued, “He has obviously not achieved anything with North Korea.”
He added, “He pulled us out of the Paris agreement. Everybody in the world knows that the evidence of what is happening in terms of climate change facts on the ground is growing and growing and growing with extraordinary danger to the world. Americans are already dying from this in fires, in floods, in storms, in mudslides. And the president is sitting there saying this is a Chinese hoax. So we’re in a very dangerous place. Nuclear arms agreements have been chucked away.”
“The INF agreement, now START treaty is also at risk,” Kerry continued. “When you start running the list. And what is worse, our president, the president of the United States of America, the leader of the of free world goes to meeting of NATO in England and the leaders of the rest of the world are laughing at him So much so that he picks up his marbles like a kid in a schoolyard and goes home and then starts to just tweet in solitude. We are in a dangerous place, and I think people know it.”

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