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Adam Schiff Sets Stage To Impeach Vice President Pence

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night that he may have “acquired a piece of evidence” that Vice President Mike Pence is hiding information in the House Ukrainian investigation.
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told Rachel Maddow on MSNBC last night that he may have “acquired a piece of evidence” that Vice President Mike Pence is hiding information in the House Ukrainian investigation.

According to Schiff, “It is not proper to classify something because it would be embarrassing or incriminating.
During the MSNBC appearance, Schiff craftily laid the groundwork to move forward with Democrat plans to impeach and remove Vice President Pence.
If Trump and Pence are impeached, guess who becomes POTUS? That’s right. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco Democrat, who is responsible for the clown show impeachment hearing in Congress.
Adam Schiff: Well, we have acquired a piece of evidence, classified by Jennifer Williams, something she alluded to in her open testimony. Then going back and looking through her records she found other information that was pertinent to that phone call that we asked her about and made that submission. There is nothing that is classified in the document but the vice president’s office has said they are going to classify… It is not proper to classify something because it would be embarrassing or incriminating. And that submission does shed light on the vice president’s knowledge. We think the American people should see it.
Jennifer Williams testified before Congress in November and offered nothing. She worked for Vice President Mike Pence. So now Schiff has Democrats thinking Williams holds the key to Pence’s impeachment.
Meanwhile, President Trump announced White House counsel Pat Cipollone will lead his defense team in the Senate impeachment trial, but House Democrats’ tactics mean it still isn’t clear when that trial may begin.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced late Thursday that no more House votes will be taken until after Jan. 7.

That means House managers, or prosecutors, won’t be selected until at least that date to deliver articles of impeachment to the Senate for commencement of the trial.

Sending the latest ripple in the divisive Washington drama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had suggested she would delay the start of a trial by not transmitting the two articles of impeachment—the charges against Trump—to the Senate. 

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